Using the arts to create more connected communities as we age

Question of the Day

If you could go anywhere in Milwaukee right now, where would you go, and why?

Past Answers

I would go to McDonalds on 6th and Oklahoma, get a couple of burgers and a cup of coffee or two, and call it a day.

I would go to Union Cemetery with my camera and take a picture of a grave there. I just found out I have a relative there.

I would go to Church if I could.

I would go to the YMCA swimming pool to take a shower. My shower is in the basement and I can't get to it.

To the Calatrava.

> Three bridges Park. Everytime I go there my imagination and body get excited on many levels.

> I would like to go to a racquet club because it is on my bucket list.

Whitnall Park and the Botanical Gardens

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